Skunk Poop Identification

While not the most pleasant, you can also attempt to identify skunk activity by locating their feces. This may be difficult, mostly because you don’t want to get close to any kind of poop, but also because it can appear very similar to raccoon feces. The feces from a skunk will more than likely resemble that of a cats droppings, except you hopefully won’t be finding them inside your litterbox. If you are finding droppings in your lawn, or near your garden, this could be a sign of wildlife activity, so the next step would be identifying what kind of animal you’re dealing with. Skunk feces is going to look like a small tube with blunt ends on both sides, much like a raccoon’s. However, racoon feces is most often longer and wider than that of a skunk. Skunk droppings are about 2 inches in length and a half of an inch around. Raccoon feces is typically about an inch longer and a bit thicker, it is also commonly darker than skunk feces.

Often, if you look close enough (yuck) you will be able to see berries or occasionally the exoskeletons of the insects that they eat. The feces itself may be slightly scattered, or mushy, in appearance. Unlike raccoons, who use a latrine system and typically keep their feces in the same general location, skunks will leave their droppings wherever they like. However, you can have the most luck finding dropping near their burrows. Aside from their feces, you can also come across their urine tracks. Skunk urine has a foul smell to it, and can leave stains should it come in contact with anything.